Modern Interior Design of Living Room With Black Furniture
Sunday, May 31, 2009
What I'm Craving
As I've said before, some people crave food, I crave furniture. This past month I got my Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams catalog in the mail and I've been trying to find the perfect lamp to go on my nightstand with my new bedset. I decided I'm going to paint my walls this great gray-brown color called Sticks and Stones from Sherwin or a more gray-purple that is light and almost metallic. Haven't figured that color out yet. Either way, I have my heart set on this lamp, and I must find a cheaper version cause this one is $325 and that's out of my budget. We also might need to find a couch for my new apartment {?} so...I am contemplating Ikea or just taking my brother's old couch, which is just a white one and reupholstering it. Not sure yet.
What do you think of the lamp?
Any good couch suggestions? It's my first post-college apartment and I'd really like to NOT have a futon...
(Photo from Website)
living room - interior design
nice living room, particularly the interplay between the pedestal table and woven leather chair. And that blue lamp in the background.
living room [via] interior design
5:24 AM
Interior Design,
Living Room
Forever Fresh
Daima Taze
Bu yazıdaki ürünlerin ortak noktası, hepsinin Stockholm Tasarım Haftası 09'da sergilenmiş olması. Tamam, geçen hafta değildi ama sonuçta halen 2009'dayız, üstelik bu ürünler bence gelip geçici değil, zamansız tasarımlar.
Masa tablasının köşelerine yerleştirilen dört ayrı ayak, tablanın altından birbirlerine bağlanıyor. Üstelik tablanın kalınlığı uyumlu oldukça istenen her boyuta uygulanabiliyor.
Because of my industrial design formation, I'm pro design sans conventional assembly. Just the thought of how efficiently this table can be transported makes me drool :) I guess innovative assembly for industrial designers is what great typefaces are to graphic designers
Endüstriyel tasarım formasyonumun etkisi yüzünden geleneksel olmayan birleştirme yöntemleri beni cezbediyor. Bu masanın toplu nakliyesinin ne kadar verimli olacağı düşüncesi bile ağzımı sulandırmaya yeter :)
What all these products have in common is that they have all been exhibited at Stockholm Design Week 09. Well yeah, I realise that wasn't last week but we're still in 2009 and these are so good that I believe they have a timeless quality.
{}Bu yazıdaki ürünlerin ortak noktası, hepsinin Stockholm Tasarım Haftası 09'da sergilenmiş olması. Tamam, geçen hafta değildi ama sonuçta halen 2009'dayız, üstelik bu ürünler bence gelip geçici değil, zamansız tasarımlar.
"Crutch" table by Nicola Enrico Stäubli.
Nicola Enrico Stäubli tasarımı "Crutch (destek)" masa.
Four individual trestles are strapped together to form a table. It would work for any rectangular table top as long as the thickness matches.
{}"Crutch" table by Nicola Enrico Stäubli.
Nicola Enrico Stäubli tasarımı "Crutch (destek)" masa.
Four individual trestles are strapped together to form a table. It would work for any rectangular table top as long as the thickness matches.
Masa tablasının köşelerine yerleştirilen dört ayrı ayak, tablanın altından birbirlerine bağlanıyor. Üstelik tablanın kalınlığı uyumlu oldukça istenen her boyuta uygulanabiliyor.
Because of my industrial design formation, I'm pro design sans conventional assembly. Just the thought of how efficiently this table can be transported makes me drool :) I guess innovative assembly for industrial designers is what great typefaces are to graphic designers
Endüstriyel tasarım formasyonumun etkisi yüzünden geleneksel olmayan birleştirme yöntemleri beni cezbediyor. Bu masanın toplu nakliyesinin ne kadar verimli olacağı düşüncesi bile ağzımı sulandırmaya yeter :)
"Necklace and Clothes" by Hung Ming Chien. It is visually stunning, and I could really use something like this for those clothes that are too dirty for the closet but too clean for laundry basket. I think it's the design of the hangers that make this so stylish. Still, I have to admit I'm tempted to string some large wooden beads and totally DIY this.
"Kolye ve Giysiler", Hung Ming Chien tasarımı. Görüntü olarak büyüleyici, üstelik odamda birikip duran,gardrop için fazla kirli ama kirli sepeti için fazla temiz kıyafet yığınlarını kontrol altına almama yardımcı olabilir. Aslında bunu bu kadar tarz yapan şey askıların tasarımlarının güzelliği, yine de içimden misinaya kocaman tahta boncuklar dizerek bunu kendi çapımda uygulamak geçiyor.
"Necklace and Clothes" by Hung Ming Chien. It is visually stunning, and I could really use something like this for those clothes that are too dirty for the closet but too clean for laundry basket. I think it's the design of the hangers that make this so stylish. Still, I have to admit I'm tempted to string some large wooden beads and totally DIY this.
"Kolye ve Giysiler", Hung Ming Chien tasarımı. Görüntü olarak büyüleyici, üstelik odamda birikip duran,gardrop için fazla kirli ama kirli sepeti için fazla temiz kıyafet yığınlarını kontrol altına almama yardımcı olabilir. Aslında bunu bu kadar tarz yapan şey askıların tasarımlarının güzelliği, yine de içimden misinaya kocaman tahta boncuklar dizerek bunu kendi çapımda uygulamak geçiyor.
Note to the designer Hung Ming Chien: your website needs an "about" page and your mini biography because I couldn't even find your name there.
Note to the designer Hung Ming Chien: your website needs an "about" page and your mini biography because I couldn't even find your name there.
"w093w"- Halogen IRC wall lamp by studioilse for Wästberg. This lamp, along with this one, is my favorite lamp lately. The simplicity is divine.
"w093w" Halojen lamba Wästberg için studioilse tarafından tasarlanmış. Bu lamba, studioilse'ye ait bu lamba ile birlikte bu aralar en beğendiğim lamba tasarımı.
"w093w"- Halogen IRC wall lamp by studioilse for Wästberg. This lamp, along with this one, is my favorite lamp lately. The simplicity is divine.
"w093w" Halojen lamba Wästberg için studioilse tarafından tasarlanmış. Bu lamba, studioilse'ye ait bu lamba ile birlikte bu aralar en beğendiğim lamba tasarımı.
Marie-Louise Gustafsson's "Come Rain or Come Shine" lamp designed in collaboration with Daniel Franzen.
Marie-Louise Gustafsson'un Daniel Franzen ile birlikte tasarladığı "Yağ Yağmur ya da Parla Güneş" lamba.
Marie-Louise Gustafsson's "Come Rain or Come Shine" lamp designed in collaboration with Daniel Franzen.
Marie-Louise Gustafsson'un Daniel Franzen ile birlikte tasarladığı "Yağ Yağmur ya da Parla Güneş" lamba.
"Family Chairs" by Lina Nordquist for Design House Stockholm.
Design House Stockholm için Lina Nordquist'in tasarladığı "Aile sandalyeler(i)".
"Family Chairs" by Lina Nordquist for Design House Stockholm.
Design House Stockholm için Lina Nordquist'in tasarladığı "Aile sandalyeler(i)".
Ideal for mixing and matching, huh?
Karıştırıp yakıştırmak için ideal değiller mi?
Ideal for mixing and matching, huh?
Karıştırıp yakıştırmak için ideal değiller mi?
"Button Stool" by Josef Frank. I think Ikea's new PS collection took some inspiration from Josef Frank, who died in 1967. For example the button stool in the above picture is very similar to this new Ikea PS stool, and this cabinet of his seems to be the inspiration of this Ikea one.
Josef Frank tasarımı "Düğme Tabure". Bence Ikea'nın yeni özel tasarım PS koleksiyonu 1967'de ölen Josef Frank'ten ilham almış olabilir. Mesela yukarıdaki düğme tabure Ikea'nın bu yeni PS taburesine, Frank'ın bu büfesi ise Ikea'nın bu yeni büfesine ilham kaynağı olmuş olabilir.
"Button Stool" by Josef Frank. I think Ikea's new PS collection took some inspiration from Josef Frank, who died in 1967. For example the button stool in the above picture is very similar to this new Ikea PS stool, and this cabinet of his seems to be the inspiration of this Ikea one.
Josef Frank tasarımı "Düğme Tabure". Bence Ikea'nın yeni özel tasarım PS koleksiyonu 1967'de ölen Josef Frank'ten ilham almış olabilir. Mesela yukarıdaki düğme tabure Ikea'nın bu yeni PS taburesine, Frank'ın bu büfesi ise Ikea'nın bu yeni büfesine ilham kaynağı olmuş olabilir.
"Kanteleen Kutsu" pattern by Sanna Annukka for Marimekko.
Marimekko için Sanna Annukka tarafından tasarlanmış "Kanteleen Kutsu" adlı desen.
"Kanteleen Kutsu" pattern by Sanna Annukka for Marimekko.
Marimekko için Sanna Annukka tarafından tasarlanmış "Kanteleen Kutsu" adlı desen.
"Kanteleen Kutsu". You know how people get tattoos of Koi fish, or Indian style animals? I think they should consider Finnish mythology animals too. These days I'm very curious about Finnish myths, apparently Tolkien took a lot of inspiration from it when writing The Lord of the Rings.
"Kantellen Kutsu". Hani insanlar Koi balıklarının ya da Kızılderili stili hayvanların dövmelerini yaptırırlar ya? Bence Fin mitolojisindeki hayvanları da bir düşünsünler. Bu günlerde Fin mitlerini merak etmeye başladım, okuduğuma göre Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi'ni yazarken en çok Fin mitolojisinden ilham almış.
The "Ihmemaa" print shows the landscape of Kaleva, the Land of Heroes, and Lake Alue, in whose depths a whitefish has swallowed fire fallen from the heavens.
"Ihmemaa" deseni, Kaleva'nın tabiatını, Kahramanlar Diyarı'nı, ve derinliklerinde beyazbalığın göklerden düşmüş ateşi yuttuğu Alue Gölü'nü gösteriyor.
I hope you enjoyed this little wrap-up of Scandinavian delight.
Umarım İskandinav güzelliklerinden bir araya topladıklarım hoşunuza gitmiştir.
My post ends here, but I received an e-mail from a (possibly former) reader, E. :
"Alis, it may be time for you to give up your blog. People post daily but you haven't said a word since April 22. Hope you are not having health problems."
While I don't see the point of giving up a blog (it's not like we're paying rent or anything), I admit I'm not the most devoted blogger and I do feel like I need to adress my infrequent updating.
Dear E., thank you for your concern. Thankfully I'm not having health problems. I'm just kicking back after a very stressful month of April. I admire and love all the bloggers who come up with daily posts, but I post either when I come across something that I think is worth archiving, or simply when I feel like it. I believe in quality over quantity. Believe it or not, I don't even check my analytics. This blog serves as my online base. It's a hobby, not a service. Even if no one read it, I still wouldn't give it up. On the other hand, anyone who finds my blog worth visiting makes me happy, any comment you leave totally makes my day. If you like my blog, you can subscribe so you won't have to lose time checking it when there are no updates.
Bu arada, yabancı bir (muhtemelen ex) okuyucumdan bir e-mail aldım. Diyor ki:
"Alis, belki de artık blog'unu bırakmanın vakti gelmiştir. İnsanlar her gün post yapıyor, sense Nisan 22'den beri tek kelime etmedin. Umarım sağlık problemleri yaşamıyorsundur."
Ben de ilgisine ve endişesine teşekkür ederek ona cevap yazdım. Başka böyle düşünenler de olabilir diye buradan yazıyorum. Çok şükür ki sağlık sorunları yaşamıyorum. Sadece yoğun ve stresli geçen bir Nisan ayından sonra kendimi rahat bırakıyorum. Her gün yeni post hazırlayabilen insanları takdir ediyorum ama ben yalnızca arşivlemeye değer gördüğüm birşeylere rastladığımda, veya keyfim geldiğinde post hazırlıyorum. Nitelik, benim için nicelikten üstün. İnanır mısınız bilmem ama blog istatistiklerimi bile takip etmiyorum. Burası benim sanal üssüm. Bu blog bir servis değil, bir hobi. Dolayısıyla hiç kimse okumasa bile blog'umu kapatmazdım. Öte yandan blog'umu ziyarete değer bulup bir de üstüne yorum bırakanlar beni çooook mutlu ediyor, eğer siz de blog'umu beğeniyor ama güncellemelerin nadir olmasına sinir oluyorsanız abone olabilirsiniz, böylece güncellendiği zaman haberiniz olur, ayrıca kontrol ederken vakit kaybetmemiş olursunuz.
All images from Designboom's Stockholm Design Week 09 coverage.
Tüm resimler Designboom'dan.
"Kanteleen Kutsu". You know how people get tattoos of Koi fish, or Indian style animals? I think they should consider Finnish mythology animals too. These days I'm very curious about Finnish myths, apparently Tolkien took a lot of inspiration from it when writing The Lord of the Rings.
"Kantellen Kutsu". Hani insanlar Koi balıklarının ya da Kızılderili stili hayvanların dövmelerini yaptırırlar ya? Bence Fin mitolojisindeki hayvanları da bir düşünsünler. Bu günlerde Fin mitlerini merak etmeye başladım, okuduğuma göre Tolkien Yüzüklerin Efendisi'ni yazarken en çok Fin mitolojisinden ilham almış.
The "Ihmemaa" print shows the landscape of Kaleva, the Land of Heroes, and Lake Alue, in whose depths a whitefish has swallowed fire fallen from the heavens.
"Ihmemaa" deseni, Kaleva'nın tabiatını, Kahramanlar Diyarı'nı, ve derinliklerinde beyazbalığın göklerden düşmüş ateşi yuttuğu Alue Gölü'nü gösteriyor.
I hope you enjoyed this little wrap-up of Scandinavian delight.
Umarım İskandinav güzelliklerinden bir araya topladıklarım hoşunuza gitmiştir.
My post ends here, but I received an e-mail from a (possibly former) reader, E. :
"Alis, it may be time for you to give up your blog. People post daily but you haven't said a word since April 22. Hope you are not having health problems."
While I don't see the point of giving up a blog (it's not like we're paying rent or anything), I admit I'm not the most devoted blogger and I do feel like I need to adress my infrequent updating.
Dear E., thank you for your concern. Thankfully I'm not having health problems. I'm just kicking back after a very stressful month of April. I admire and love all the bloggers who come up with daily posts, but I post either when I come across something that I think is worth archiving, or simply when I feel like it. I believe in quality over quantity. Believe it or not, I don't even check my analytics. This blog serves as my online base. It's a hobby, not a service. Even if no one read it, I still wouldn't give it up. On the other hand, anyone who finds my blog worth visiting makes me happy, any comment you leave totally makes my day. If you like my blog, you can subscribe so you won't have to lose time checking it when there are no updates.
Bu arada, yabancı bir (muhtemelen ex) okuyucumdan bir e-mail aldım. Diyor ki:
"Alis, belki de artık blog'unu bırakmanın vakti gelmiştir. İnsanlar her gün post yapıyor, sense Nisan 22'den beri tek kelime etmedin. Umarım sağlık problemleri yaşamıyorsundur."
Ben de ilgisine ve endişesine teşekkür ederek ona cevap yazdım. Başka böyle düşünenler de olabilir diye buradan yazıyorum. Çok şükür ki sağlık sorunları yaşamıyorum. Sadece yoğun ve stresli geçen bir Nisan ayından sonra kendimi rahat bırakıyorum. Her gün yeni post hazırlayabilen insanları takdir ediyorum ama ben yalnızca arşivlemeye değer gördüğüm birşeylere rastladığımda, veya keyfim geldiğinde post hazırlıyorum. Nitelik, benim için nicelikten üstün. İnanır mısınız bilmem ama blog istatistiklerimi bile takip etmiyorum. Burası benim sanal üssüm. Bu blog bir servis değil, bir hobi. Dolayısıyla hiç kimse okumasa bile blog'umu kapatmazdım. Öte yandan blog'umu ziyarete değer bulup bir de üstüne yorum bırakanlar beni çooook mutlu ediyor, eğer siz de blog'umu beğeniyor ama güncellemelerin nadir olmasına sinir oluyorsanız abone olabilirsiniz, böylece güncellendiği zaman haberiniz olur, ayrıca kontrol ederken vakit kaybetmemiş olursunuz.
All images from Designboom's Stockholm Design Week 09 coverage.
Tüm resimler Designboom'dan.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What's Big In Wall Decor?
Mike has just posted an article about Fathead Wall Graphics at Home Accents Today's The Landfair Retail Focus titled Fathead Wall Graphics Are Big!
Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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Bev & Mike
Landfair Furniture + Design gallery
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11:01 AM
Chic Weekend Retreats
I considered not attending signing party for Susanna Salk's new book Weekend Retreats at David Duncan Antiques Thursday night because I was still feeling a little under the weather but I'm glad I went because it was a great event that brought out the big guns of the design world. Interior designer Harry Heissmann (above) was excited to get his copy signed as were Charlotte Moss, Christopher Spitzmiller, and even Gloria Vanderbilt! Michael Bruno was also on hand to toast Susanna who regularly contributes to his 1stdibs website.
Former Domino editor Chase Booth not only made it to the party but also into the book! The weekend retreat his shares with his architect partner Gray Davis in the Berkshires has white washed walls and dark floors that are the perfect backdrop to an ever changing mix of furniture and vintage finds as seen in the photo below. Chase was the doorman at the Domino tag sale this weekend and it was fun dishing about what a crazy day it turned out to be, especially after the police showed up! There have been discussions of another tag sale to benefit a charity and I will definitely keep you posted as when that happens!
Many of the twenty five homes in Weekend Retreats also look like they have owners who love a good tag sale but the best part is that they are all unique and interesting and most of all, deeply personal. There is something for everyone from traditional and country to minimal and modern all of which look like a great place to get away from it all, including Susanna's lake house that was also featured in Connecticut Cottages & Gardens last summer. I think I'm going to have to find my own retreat soon! Bon Weekend!
Former Domino editor Chase Booth not only made it to the party but also into the book! The weekend retreat his shares with his architect partner Gray Davis in the Berkshires has white washed walls and dark floors that are the perfect backdrop to an ever changing mix of furniture and vintage finds as seen in the photo below. Chase was the doorman at the Domino tag sale this weekend and it was fun dishing about what a crazy day it turned out to be, especially after the police showed up! There have been discussions of another tag sale to benefit a charity and I will definitely keep you posted as when that happens!
Many of the twenty five homes in Weekend Retreats also look like they have owners who love a good tag sale but the best part is that they are all unique and interesting and most of all, deeply personal. There is something for everyone from traditional and country to minimal and modern all of which look like a great place to get away from it all, including Susanna's lake house that was also featured in Connecticut Cottages & Gardens last summer. I think I'm going to have to find my own retreat soon! Bon Weekend!
9:59 AM
Bedroom Interior,
Living room Interior
Stalking Nate Berkus
I regularly stalk, I mean check out, Nate Berkus's website hoping for new photos of his work and this morning I was rewarded with not only photos but I little back story. Seems everyone is on a budget these days including his clients, one of whom asked Nate and his team to outfit "two properties with beautiful, timeless, and affordable finds." He also thinks that although these type of projects are a challenge, they push him to be more creative and I agree. It's easy to go out and decorate if you have an unlimited budget but it takes a little more work and thought to find things that look more expensive than they really are and it helps to start with "furniture with clean lines and classic fabrics."
Nate says, "we found some great deals in our favorite catalogs and ordered up one-of-each from my line at A layer of paint added warmth. A few trips to our favorite antique stores and flea markets for objects and accessories added just the right personality to the each space. The end result was amazing!" And I have to agree! If that's not enough Nate for you, you can watch him give a tour of his Chicago apartment at I just have to say that it's a good thing that Nate lives in Chicago because I might really start stalking him! Just kidding...sort of!
Nate says, "we found some great deals in our favorite catalogs and ordered up one-of-each from my line at A layer of paint added warmth. A few trips to our favorite antique stores and flea markets for objects and accessories added just the right personality to the each space. The end result was amazing!" And I have to agree! If that's not enough Nate for you, you can watch him give a tour of his Chicago apartment at I just have to say that it's a good thing that Nate lives in Chicago because I might really start stalking him! Just kidding...sort of!
Photos from Nate Berkus
9:58 AM
Bedroom Interior,
Living room Interior
At Home and Work with Kimberly Ayres
Kimberly Ayres could have been another casualty of the demise of Domino magazine but since the photos of her home and office were taken by my friend Eric Cahan, I get to introduce you to this Designer to Watch for 2009 instead! Kimberly, like many designers, started out renovating and decorating her own houses while she was practicing law as a way to relax. Luckily for the design world, law was not her calling and as she told me, "friends began to ask for decorating advice and I realized I might have a chance to do something I loved and I couldn't be happier with my career switch!"
"After completing studies at International Fine Arts in Miami and at UCLA in Los Angeles, Kimberly jumped head first into an apprenticeship with internationally renowned designer Kelly Wearstler, and continued her development with designer Michael Lee in Malibu. In 2000, Kimberly launched Kimberly Ayres Interior Design in Los Angeles where she quickly established a notable clientele and reputation for deftly mixing eras and cultures. In 2006, she opened her much admired Kimberly Ayres Home furnishings and accessories store in San Francisco."
In the breakfast room, the parterre and curtain fabric is from Raoul Textiles in Santa Barbara. The table is vintage from Blackman Cruz. The chairs are vintage from Kimberly's friend and boutique owner Gabriella Sarlo. The chandelier is vintage. "For parties, we clear out the chairs and this table becomes the bar," says Kimberly.
In the breakfast room, the parterre and curtain fabric is from Raoul Textiles in Santa Barbara. The table is vintage from Blackman Cruz. The chairs are vintage from Kimberly's friend and boutique owner Gabriella Sarlo. The chandelier is vintage. "For parties, we clear out the chairs and this table becomes the bar," says Kimberly.
The room above is the dining room in Kimberly's apartment. Her description cracks me up! "This apartment was loaded with mirrored walls when I found it. Really scary on a bad hair day. Most were removed, but I kept this one. The artwork is a collage created by Lulu de Kwiatkowski from an Eric Cahan photograph. My all-time favorite ebay purchase is the blue pigskin/suede sideboard. The parson's table and the chairs are vintage. The chandelier is Moth Design from my store."
In Kimberly's bedroom, the bed is from Oly and the lamp is from Christopher Spitzmiller. The wallpaper is the Montague print from Twenty2. The curtain fabric is from Nina Campbell and the table is the Bungalow 5 Jacqui Side Table from Eboniste. The painting is vintage.
In the guest room, the headboard is custom and the pillow fabric is Christopher Farr - Cloth. Kimberly says, "I love this quilt. It's designed and made by hand by my friend, Michael Pechenski." Moroccan lantern is an ebay find. I think the best thing about Kimberly's apartment is all the new sources and vendors that she has introduced to us all!
Kimberly's desk in her office is by Jonathan Adler but the cabinets and chair are vintage. The wallpaper is grasscloth from Twenty2 and looks like a great alternative to Phillip Jeffries, my usual source. "The french plaster sconce is by Moth Design, one of the lines we sell in the showroom," says Kimberly.
I posted this photo once before and it received a very positive response and now I can tell you that the vintage desk, lacquered in Farrow and Ball Dix Blue, is where Kimberly's lucky assistant, Angel Tasso, sits. The wallpaper is grasscloth in Neptune from Twenty2 while the lamp and chandelier are Moth Design in silver leaf finish. The chair is vintage and the drawing was found at Blackman Cruz.
"This room is in my office in San Francisco. The building is a tiny 1890's cottage in the Design District, serving as both my design studio and a showroom for the furnishings I sell. We carry new lines of lighting, accessories, wallpaper and fabric, as well as all sorts of vintage furnishings."
I think we can all agree that interior designer Kimberly Ayres made a great career switch and the design world had better look out! She's definitely one to watch and I can't wait to see what she does next!
Photos by Eric Cahan
9:52 AM
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