Thursday, March 26, 2009

Office Space Collection

Office Space Collection

office furniture table equipThe working table that in equipped with the good computer to in the office d placed in the corner of the room with the drawer that could to keep several file the office and in equipped also with light that could give information when you needed him.

Marion In The Country

Marion Kırlarda
I'm back from my wonderful trip to London, and one thing I couldn't find there was the February issue of Elle, French edition. I had seen it at a newsstand here and now regret not buying it because these pictures of Marion Cotillard are worth saving for future inspiration. Thankfully I found them scanned here, and now you and me can both enjoy them forever! Pictures are worth clicking on to view much larger...
Londra gezimden döndüm, orada bulamadığım bir şey varsa o da Fransız Elle dergisinin Şubat sayısıydı. Buradayken görüp paraya kıyamamıştım, şimdi pişmanım çünkü Marion Cotillard'ın bu fotoğrafları ömür boyu ilham almak üzere saklanmaya değer. Neyseki taranmış olarak burada buldum, artık siz de ben de sonsuza kadar büyülenerek bakabiliriz bu fotoğraflara... Bu resimler üzerine tıklanarak büyük versiyonundan incelenmeye değer...
This is why we admire the French, non? Look how elegant beautiful Marion is in her dreamy country attire, picking cabbages...
Fransız kadınlarına hayranlık duymamızın sebebi bu, değil mi? Rüya gibi kır yaşamı kıyafeti ile lahana toplarken ne kadar da zarif görünüyor güzeller güzeli Marion...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Conference Table with 6 Chairs

office furniture table chairConference Table with 6 Chairs The table in the bolt to conference in the office in design with politeness for 6 people with the table that was long in for with hard wood that was of best quality ideal to gather during you in the seat office that adapted with the available table and design this was suitable for the room of the office where you correlating work.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ballroom Interior Design

your room familyDance space that in equipped with audio and the teve in in design by enclosing furniture was felt good to relaxed together your family wood that in used chose best wood that was durable durable in saw from above design that was perfect to equip design the house and the window that could stifle the voice audio available design this from adriennechinn only showed again design this dance space.

Purity and Simplicity of Kitchen Set Design

When entering this kitchen, you will be welcome by the clean and still ambiance. The kitchen set is tremendously created in endless ideas of the designer. Layered in stainless steel, the sink emerges the sense of cleanness and safety.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Star Trex Kitchen Set Design

Star Trex Kitchen Set DesignWhen I see this design of kitchen, it suddenly reminds me of my favorite miniseries movie on TV. It looks very modern with the design of the sophisticated kitchen set. This furniture products look like a machine that will take to a place somewhere in the outer space.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Functional and Modern Kitchen Set Design

Functional and Modern Kitchen Set Design
I like the design of this kitchen. The storage is attractively made that emerges the outlook of sophisticated sense of high touch of sincerity. The way the designer places the utensils is very smart. The use of stainless steel applied in the sink allows it to get clean, healthy and safe ambiance.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Luxurious and Contemporary Kitchen Set Design

modern_kitchen_designAlign CenterModern kitchen design will enable to do cooking quickly and healthily. You do not need to hurry up since everything is programmed. With modern gadgets, everything will be easier. The design of kitchen above is one of many designs for kitchen. See how modern it is. If you adopt the design at home, you will find your home more stunning and peachy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pretty and Contemporary Kitchen Set Design

Pretty and Contemporary Kitchen Set DesignDesigned completely for fulfilling the curiosity of those who are looking for inspiration to decorate their homes with creative and modern taste of furniture, this kitchen set design will accommodate them deeply. The design is very elegant and cozy. Silver stainless steel has worked successfully to create a clean, tidy and hygiene outlook of kitchen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunny Comtemporary Kitchen Set Design

Sunny Comtemporary Kitchen Set DesignWith more lights come into this kitchen from the sun, it enables this design of kitchen to get spacious and clean appearance. Wood is maintained so much in it to create a scent of natural taste and of course since wood is the most beautiful stuff to be formed and to get an artistic in touch in creating furniture items and products.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Brave and Contemporary Kitchen Design

contemporary-brave-kitchen-designIf you are looking for kitchen inspiration design, this one may become your first consideration to adorn your nice house with contemporary kitchen set. The design of this kitchen set is very cool. The choice of the material fall on teak wood, a very qualified wood for making furniture stuff. The coloring system is very matching with wide space to create a very comfortable situation when cooking. With large windows surrounded, it does not need more lamps to set since the sunshine will respectfully enter in it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Interior Furniture Design

Interior Furniture Design

Interior Furniture Design Perfection and luxury were really felt with saw design this furniture the colour of the furniture seat and the wall of my harmonious light your feeling will dream about had design that like this when wanting to give the illumination was somewhat clear was not wrong when in placed close to the window.

Another Modern and Inspirational Kitchen Design from Ewe

modern-inspirational-kitchen-design-by EweYesterday, I posted a modern kitchen design from Ewe. Here is another kitchen design from Ewe. Ewe always maintains its design in clean, attractive and spacious outlook. Look at the design above, all kitchen stuffs are nicely and tidily set. The use of bright colors has successfully created a fresh ambiance that will take you the unlimited food creations.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Loft on the Lachine Canal by L. McComber Architects

A Loft on the Lachine Canal by L. McComber Architects



Three Doors In One by Slam Doors

Three Doors In One by Slam Doors

EXH Design

In the design process we integrated the architectural logic with design sensibility, to arrive at rational conclusions by carefully considering and evaluating the evidence available. A big and flexible functional space is divided by a curved screen into 2 areas: public space for workshops, conference, exhibitions and reception, behind the screen is friendly working space also with a high flexibility for 7 to 14 workers. The screen flowing between ‘public’ and ‘private’ is the sensitive element plugged into the interior. The special attraction of this screen is its visual animation while you pass through.
EXH Design

Hanging Fishbowl

Hanging Fishbowl

Pablo the Object Frame

Pablo the Object Frame

SAKO architects

SAKO architects

London; I'm Coming, Love

Savul Londra, Ben Geliyorum

Hooray! I'm super excited because if all goes well I'm flying to London-the most inspirational city ever- tomorrow morning! With all the dark places my mind had been wandering lately, I can say I really needed this break. I'll be there for 6 days, so I'll see you next week! Last time I visited it was for business, and although I had the privilege of my British collegue taking me to all the awesome design shops, I had too little time and was so overwhelmed by all the amazing things that I never got to take photos or make notes of the places I went to. Also I was dumb enough to miscalculate the currency and thought everything was double the actual price. Hopefully this time it will be different and I will be back with some blogging material. To my luck Design*Sponge just posted an amazing London guide! I already have lists of the main gigs and the well-known stores but if you have any additional suggestions of shops/interesting places/great cheap food, do share tonight:)

Yaşasın! Heyecandan kıpır kıpırım çünkü bir aksilik çıkmazsa yarın Londra'ya uçuyorum! Son zamanlarda zihnim karanlık yerlerde fazla oyalanmaktaydı, doğrusu ilhama, ufuğumun açılmasına, biraz da havalanmaya çok ihtiyacım vardı. 6 gün orada olacağım, yani sizlerle haftaya görüşeceğiz. Geçen gidişim bir iş ziyaretiydi, İngiliz iş arkadaşım tarafından en iyi tasarım/dekorasyon mağazalarına götürülme ayrıcalığına sahip olduğum halde zamansızlık ve etraftaki herşeyin dayanılmaz cazibesinin yarattığı şok yüzünden gördüklerimi doğru düzgün belgeleyememiştim. Üstelik pound'u da gerçek fiyatının bir hayli üstünde zannetme enayiliğim yüzünden elim cebime pek gidememişti. Umarım bu sefer daha farklı olur ve bol bol blog malzemesi ile dönebilirim. Şansıma Design*Sponge tasarımseverler için çok iyi bir Londra rehberi hazırlamış. Gidilecek genel turistik yerlerin ve bilindik mağazaların listesini yaptım, ama kıyıda köşede keşfettiğiniz güzel dükkanlar/ilginç yerler/ucuz güzel yemek yenecek yerler varsa gün doğmadan evvel paylaşınız lütfen :)

image from Design*Sponge

Kitchen Round Corner by Effeti

effeti-misura-laquered-kitchen-round-cornerCleanness and Healthiness are stressed so much in this design of kitchen sink. Created mainly from stainless steel, it will guarantee you to get the safest healthiest way of cooking process. You don't have to be worried when cooking. You don't need more energy to clean up your kitchen. Its design is easily cleaned. It is guaranteed that you will get more inspirations of receipt when cooking in this contemporary and inspirational kitchen sink.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Modern Inspirational Kitchen Set from Ewe

inspirational-modern-kitchen-designHere is the inspirational kitchen design from Ewe, a leading designer of modern kitchen set that will satisfy your thirstiness of modern furniture design. With various qualified materials such as teak, oak, and walnut you will get more choices that is suitable with your taste. To get details of this nice and peachy stuff, you can go and buy here.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Uptown Contemporary and Unique Kitchen Furniture Design

Uptown Contemporary and Unique Kitchen Furniture DesignLocated in the apartment uptown, this kitchen does not keep away its functionality and privacy of dwelling of food creation. Set up in a very limited area, this kitchen design is very appropriate for those who do not have enough time to create complicated meal.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Modern Kitchen from Italy by Effeti

Modern Kitchen from Italy by EffetiEffeti has designed a very great kitchen set. Look at the outlook of the kitchen set above. Modernism is accentuated a lot here. Mainly made of wood, it shows a perfect stress of cleanness and spaciousness. The storage is nicely set with other furniture accessories. By entering this kitchen, you will suddenly get a new fresh idea to cook.

We Are Shelves, we Are / Tables, We Are Meek / We Are Edible*

Raflarız, biz, / Masalarız, Uysalız / Yenir Yutuluruz*
Mushroom shaped ceramic birdhouse from mudpuppy's Etsy store.
Mantar biçimli seramik kuş evi, mudpuppy'nin Etsy dükkanından.
When I was little, I was terrifed of mushrooms. I would be stressed out whenever my family cooked mushrooms. I have a specific memory of me going for a walk at the forest with my family and my mother stepped on a mushroom. I had nightmares about how we were all going to be poisoned. I think this silly fear had something to do with the TV news being flooded by people dying of mushroom poisoning. I got over the fear and now not only can I eat them, but I am fascinated by them. I gathered a few products for you, inspired by the delightful world of mushrooms.
Küçükken, mantarlar beni dehşete düşürürdü. Evde ne zaman mantar pişse endişeye kapılırdım. Hatta bir defa ailemle ormanda gittiğimiz yürüyüşte annem bir mantara basınca ailecek zehirleneceğiz diye günlerce kabus yaşamıştım. Bu yersiz korkunun altında o zamanlar haftada bir TV'de çıkan "Mantardan Zehirlendiler" haberlerinin etkisi olsa gerek. Şimdi mantarları afiyetle yemekle kalmıyorum, onları büyüleyici buluyorum. Mantarların çekiciliğinden ilham alan birkaç ürünü sizler için toplarladım.

Terrarium's are from the Etsy store of madebymavis. Spotted at this lovely Turkish blog.{}

Terrarium'lar madebymavis'in Etsy dükkanından. Kararsız kızın blogunda görüldü.
The tiny mushrooms used inside the terrariums are by mudpuppy.
Terrarium'ların içindeki minyatür mantarları mudpuppy yapıyor.
Mushroom soaps from RianRae.
Mantar sabunlar, RianRae'den.
Handmade DAS clay mushrooms by Kris are available at her Etsy store. I must admit these images are what triggered my sudden interest to mushrooms.
Kris'in elde DAS hamurundan yaptığı mantarlar Etsy dükkanında satılıyor. Mantarlara ani ilgimi tetikleyenin bu resimler olduğunu belirtmeliyim.
The tags are amazing too!
Etiketleri de çok güzel!
Clockwise: Stoneware mushrooms, Roost. Cargo mushroom stool, Roost. Night Owl Paper Goods wooden mushroom jotter.
Saat yönünde: Seramik mantarlar, Roost. Mantar biçimli tabure, Roost. Ahşap kapaklı not defteri, Night Owl Paper Goods.
Cargo mushroom boxes, Roost.
Mantar kutular, Roost.
Porcelain mushrooms, Roost.
Porselen mantarlar, Roost.
Porcelain Mushroom Lamp, Roost.
Porselen mantar lamba, Roost.

Limited Fungi shelf, designed by Katharina Mischer, available at Droog.
The species of the mushrooms are Kuehneromyces Lignicola; critically endangered. The mushrooms are numbered to signify they are "limited". If you buy this, part of the money goes to environmental projects that try to save the specific fungi species.
Sınırlı Fungi raf, tasarım Katharina Mischer, Droog'da satılıyor. Rafın üzerindeki metal mantarların cinsi Kuehneromyces Lignicola; ciddi olarak soyu tükenmekte olan bir tür. Sınırlı sayıda olduklarını belirmek için mantarların üzerinde numaralar var. Bunu satın aldığınızda paranın bir kısmı belirli mantar türlerini kurtarmaya yönelik çevresel çalışmalara gidiyor.

Ikea PS 2009 stool/side table. It reminds me of a mushroom!

Ikea'nın yeni PS koleksiyonundan sehpa/tabure. Biçimi bana bir mantarı anımsatıyor!

Designed by Heather Bayless from Korea, the Twins silver spice shakers won Designboom's "Beyond Silver" competition. A well earned prize. Designers own words:
"The concept for this piece comes from a childhood memory of making mushroom spore prints, creating a graphic pattern that repeats the pattern of the mushroom gills after the spores fall from the mushroom. This was the perfect inspiration for spice shakers. The spice powder is contained in the vessel form and can be shaken out through slots in the gill structure, creating a linear pattern."
Kore'den Heather Bayless'in İkizler adlı gümüşten baharatlık tasarımı Designboom'un "Gümüşün Ötesi" yarışmasını kazandı. Tamamen hakedilmiş bir ödül bence.
Bu tasarımın konsepti, mantarların sporlarından izler yaratılan, yani mantardan dökülen sporların mantarın altındaki solungaç gibi yapıyı tekrarlayan grafik izler yaratmasına dayanan bir çocukluk hatırasından geliyormuş. Bu anı baharatlık tasarlamak için mükemmel bir ilham kaynağı olmuş. Tasarımda toz baharat gövdede saklanıyor ve solungaç yapıdaki boşluklarda çizgisel bir motif oluşturarak dökülüyor.
Mushrooms Ate My Furniture:
Mobilyalarımı Mantarlar Yedi:

"Mushrooms Ate My Furniture, by designer Shinwei Rhoda Yen, is of garden furniture that is made with natural wood, embedded with mushrooms' spawn. After a time of exposure to the weather, mushrooms will grow out and live with the furniture for a few more years. As the nutritional material from the wood is eaten by the mushrooms, the furniture will start to break down, eventually dying while giving its life to the mushrooms."
I think "mortal" furniture is a good response to the throw-away culture. If we are going to get bored of it and eventually get rid of it, why not give the furniture a certain, natural lifetime?
Shinwei Rhoda Yen tasarımı Mobilyalarımı Mantarlar Yedi, doğal ahşaptan yapılıp içerisine mantar tohumu gömülmüş bir bahçe mobilyası. İklim koşullarına bir süre maruz kaldıktan sonra üzerinde mantarlar büyüyor ve mobilyayla birlikte birkaç yıl daha yaşıyorlar. Ahşaptaki besleyici maddeler mantarlar tarafından yenildikçe mobilya bozulmaya başlıyor, sonunda da hayatını mantarlara vererek ölüyor.
Bence "ölümlü" mobilyalar günümüz kullan-at kültürüne iyi bir cevap. Madem sonunda sıkılıp başımızdan atmak isteyeceğiz, neden mobilyalara belirli, doğal bir şekilde sonlanacak bir ömür biçmeyelim?

Mushrooms Ate My Furniture images and info from Designboom.
Mobilyalarımı Mantarlar Yedi resim ve bilgileri Designboom'dan.

*From Mushrooms by Sylvia Plath. *Sylvia Plath'in "Mantarlar"ından.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lavish Kitchen Set Design

Lavish Kitchen Set DesignMainly made from wood, this design of kitchen is very cool and great. Wood is chosen to create a scent of nature and freshness. The kitchen utensils are qualified by stainless material to keep its cleanness and endurance. The lighting system is supportive to create a lavish but romantic ambiance. You will find your best meal and receipt by cooking here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Arpolis Contemporary and Unique Kitchen Furniture Design

Arpolis Contemporary and Unique Kitchen Furniture DesignIf you are looking for fresh ideas to decorate your kitchen, this design of kitchen must be added in your search list. It looks very modern and sophisticated with material mainly made from stainless metal to keep its easy cleansing. The design is very cool with roof upside and glassy kitchen set. Arpolis is a great choice of kitchen design with contemporary and unique style.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Contemporary and Unique Living Room Design by Jameztay

Contemporary and Unique Living Room Design by JameztayDesigned for a large space for ideal living room, this living room is the right choice if you are looking for an idea to beautify your home with such great and nice living room design. Woody materials are the precisest choice to match with the system of coloring and flooring design. Make it your inspiration to have an ideal, contemporary and unique living room set up in your home.